A man with mystery...aka Snatch, IT Guy, even Z...
Quiet but mighty without Z where would I be?
Without smilies and semi colons it would make me so sad...
Today Z fixed my keyboard and it made me so glad!
But keyboards are not all the Zach can attack...
Magic man of potions I scream Zach hurry back!
He comes with his essentials and oils from afar...
Sprinkling peace and tranquility from his little brown jar.
Everyone needs a guy like the Snatch....
He can hack a computer or sneak through a latch.
He can brew colloidal silver and loves CBD.
He adds it to his vape and drops it in his tea.
He's only been in my office space a tiny little while...
But damn he's an asset. Can turn my frown into a smile.
His fixing my keyboard today made me realize and see...
That I'm glad to have a co-worker superstar that we call the Z!