Blinded by green thistles that stick me
and tickle...mine eyes shine gold and silver from trinkets so
fickle...I slide down the tinsel like angel hair pasta...purple
ponies and ballerinas dance aramatsa...A time of the year where a
collision of feelings...seep from beneath even the plum and orange
peelings...sour and sweet...bitter and crabby...family and friends
both smooth and the scabby...snow flakes finally welcome...no
shoveling this day...just papers and bows and with toys we
play...love remembered...love forgotten...love never ever
begotten...tears of joy and sadness, green mushrooms that are
rotten...in the forest where I live time will never stand
still...it's a circle of life with my wine and my pill...the frogs
and the feathers, the elves and the fairy...the beautiful and edible,
the poisonous doll's eye baneberry...but the singing from above from
the angels is reason... to draw me out of the forest this holiday
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