Tuesday, May 20, 2014

A Part of Me and Rainbow Connection

Dreamer with eyes of blue like infinite ocean on an ice age of tomorrow....The sun shines through the rain no matter the pain and what is pain anyway? Is it a feeling...an emotion...a desperate grasp for commotion...when sharing meant caring and caring meant he'd be there. Before her it was that way..but I must stay where I belong sing that whistling song with the chorus of a hundred frogs in the swamp and the fog...the mist never stops...and even through rain one can see the sun...and even if there wasn't a pot of gold at the end of my rainbow...it was still a rainbow ... 

Monday, May 19, 2014


It was nice to be the main course. But I don't do second best very well...never have...never will most likely. I was there through thick and thin...but he still traded me in...for that newer model...tastier dish of Danish dung or was it her Swedish tongue...no matter, I've been replaced and I shall find my way back into the forest.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


What is darkness without light but a wall without flight, an emotion, or devotions to demons and notions. The moon and stars, just diamonds and cars, floating like feathers on a frog's back, where a fly's just a snack for a spider's lighter than the devil's heart that bleeds black like an ink blot on a time slot just a day in a minute and an hour forgotten no sooner than the sun's deadened for the day, and they come out to play in the darkness of night, slip away I might when decisions like collisions haunt me like a forever fairy with no wings at all, for flying is dying and day lilies will bloom and brighten the gloom, but she retreats into the darkness.

Not Knowing

Sometimes the pain of 'not knowing' hurts so bad you have to cut it out.