Tuesday, March 17, 2015

What Was of Me

A magnificent wind ripping through my brain cells, if any were any at all, even the angels did fall but it's not fall at all. Fresh flowers in bloom, to bandage the gloom that pulses through even the slightest unimportant single-celled organism sending orgasmic thoughts foreboding, corroding my gray matter, a splatter against my soul, I search for a mole, is it even me in the end? A foe? A friend?

Vanity or sanity oxidizing..mesmerizing from a daydream or is it an illusion? An ocular delusion? My ideas purge with magnetic repulsion, a solvent or emulsion, or has my very sanity taken a pathological flavor? A lick of honey, the tongue doth savor.

I beg for the sifter, go get the drifter, in the rye or is he just a sty in my eye... for it's time to sift the phantoms from physical reality, Dying from depravity.

A diversion, conversion squishing me into the box, the flock, herding us into huts of the same color, no bread, no butter, pumping me full of berm not sperm making but breaking forever....

...what was of me.

by dena mckinnon

Friday, March 13, 2015

Computer Woes

Away from the keyboard for a time not forgotten ...why must these machines hate me so? Hopefully I'll have a computer again soon!

~Peace Out~

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Night

Choking on a splinter in the night...the plight...I need to write like a fighter needs to fight, but my computer electronically decomposes when my insides are twisted like muscodine grape vines strangling a hundred year old live oak..the irony in the name when at a hundred it's so close to death.

If only I could sleep, not weep a wound into velvety blood, running o'er, stop the Goddamn flood. Weary and weak, the sunlight is bleak in....

...the night.


Sometimes....I miss him.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Weed In The Wind A Friend & The End

Fickle and free, I look in the mirror and think...when did it become so aesthetically fucking cool to look so damn disheveled and careless? Not dirty, but messy. Disheveled and right at home in a home where nothing stays in its place not even me. Flighty and flowing like a  breeze or early spring rain spattering from the sky into a puddle that runs into a million little rivers down in the earth only to be the catalyst that turns death to life, springing forth like time lapse photography verdant vegetation that I may become the beautiful weed in someone's garden if only for a certain time until the weed is replaced by a cunning rose bush covered in red budding blooms like velvety blood in a flood...
....but the weed was a seed and the rose has thorns. 

So the little weed goes back to a seed and drifts in the wind until it finds another special place to bloom where there's plenty of room and the smile of a friend means a time to begin and life starts allover but with each blossom and seed the weed never forgets he who smiled upon her that time in a bottle where life was a throttle...and it doesn't hurt anymore for when she looks at a rose she knows he's better off lest he feel the thorn.