Monday, July 9, 2012

A Lack of Red

She lays in a silk laden coffin,
Her pale face divided by a solid line of red.
As leftover blood... my blood paints a line of satisfaction from her lips.

I struggle to lick the energy from the sunshine while she sleeps,
I trample across the broken mirror scattered over the marble foyer.
My feet shredded, red blood stains the veins in the floor but I don't stop
A roofie typed trance enhanced by a blood red full blown panic attack.

I run...scream...the pseudo stratified columnar epithelium in my throat-- inflamed,
As the sun shines through the fat rain drops on the window pain, there's no time like the present...
And with the night –she rises again, and this time I mustn't be her bullseye in the clover.

I hide in mine own mind, surrounded by bats and fireflies, struggling to make it to the door,
Out of harms way, a mushroom under a giant, and the magical kind of spore with possibilities.
If only I could make it –far far away, from this toxic, blood thirsty red eyed queen of demons,
Her only love-- to suck the last drop of plasma-- tip the scale of my colloidal osmotic pressure.

But once again, the sunlight kisses my face as she starts to come alive in her tomb,
It's a race –I'm the turtle and she is the hare times a hundred but I have the light on my face...
In my my burns the nostalgia paralyzation from my bones, my cold body warms
As the cells regenerate, my heart pumps red life through a venous network and then there is warmth...

In my I reach the exit –freedom but the devil is persistent, erect she climbs from casket,
The race continues, I fight something that isn't there but that sucks the very life out of me,
My mind cries, my eyes scream, and my lips –do nothing but quiver and she gains on my slow motion
She grabs me, hunts my jugular –but my strength returned ...enough to pull her into the light of day...

The sun kisses her skin with pleasure...And while she burns....I smile-- saved once again from that toxic red vamp knowing she will...

one day...hunt again.

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